The Marriage Design is headed to Israel in Spring 2026! This trip will be a Biblical teaching tour led by Mike & Gabi Keenum and Brad & Kijsa Housman. These lifelong friends went on an Israel tour in September 2023 and were deeply impacted by the Biblical history, Christian teaching, and historical sites. The Marriage Design is partnering with Gates to Israel, an Israel/US-based tour company, and our favorite guide, Moshe Malka. The Marriage Design team will provide Biblical insights at significant locations, while Moshe will offer historical context.
The Marrige Design in Israel will stay at beautiful hotels and eat amazing food. After your visit, you will understand why Israel is still called “The Promised Land.” Our desire is that you will see scripture come alive and further deepen your relationship with the Lord! This will be a trip of a lifetime and a beautiful opportunity for spiritual growth together as a couple.
Our 10-day, 9-night experience in Israel will include multiple Biblical sites each day including Mt. Carmel, the Jordan River, Mount Beatitudes, Capernaum, Sea of Galilee, Dead Sea, Jerusalem, Western Wall, Mt. Olives, City of David, Bethlehem, and the Garden Tomb. Three beautiful hotels will serve as home base during our journey. These are located in Tel Aviv, Tiberius, and Jerusalem. Almost all meals (except three) are included in the cost of the trip. Our group will experience a Shabbat meal together to begin the Jewish Sabbath led by our guide, Moshe.
Each day will be designed to take in multiple sites, hear historical and Biblical teaching, and have moments to experience God. Evenings will consist of calm and relaxing environments to spend time with your spouse, get to know others, and process all you are learning. This trip is designed to strengthen your individual relationship with God which will in turn grow your spiritual connection in marriage. Two date night opportunities are built into the trip so couples can enjoy time together.

Please Note
This tour is designed with married couples in mind, but singles are welcome to join us! All attendees must be over 21 to attend. All sites we visit require walking. Over the course of a day, we will walk between two and five miles on unstable surfaces. This tour is through a Protestant lens and will focus on those sites rather than Catholic sites and churches. This tour is best fitted for those who are familiar with scripture, with the deepest impact found by those who have done a Bible reading plan (The Bible Recap, The Story of the Bible, The One Year Bible).
Cost and Payment
Preliminary estimated tour costs for May 2026 is $5355 per person (not including airfare). Cost includes upscale hotels, admissions fees for sites, tour guide, charter bus and driver, and all meals (except one lunch and two dinners). This is an estimate only and subject to change. Costs not included in the estimated costs include airfare, three meals (estimate $20 per person for one lunch and $50 per person for each of two dinners), travel insurance, cash tips ($220 per person) that Moshe will collect upon arrival, Israel entry fee ($7 per person), and any souvenirs. Payment for the trip is in three installments:
- $500 deposit per person (due with registration form, non-transferable, non-refundable)
- $1500 payment per person (due August 15, 2025)
- Remainder of cost per person (Final payment due February 28, 2026)
Rooming Alone
If you choose to room alone, the single room supplement is estimated at an additional $1879.
Airfare can either be handled by Gates to Israel (and will be added to the cost of your trip) or you can purchase your own airfare that corresponds with the group’s arrival/departure times.
Step 1
Step One: If you desire to join us, please fill out the interest form below. We will send you an email back and share more information about trip itinerary, specific payment details, and next steps to move forward.
We’d love for you to join us! Shalom
Step 2
Register Here
Step Two: Now that you have completed your interest form and received an email back from The Marriage Design with your password, please click below to register, begin payment, and gather more specific information about our upcoming journey to the Holy Land.