The Marriage Design
Marriage Retreats
Engaging Sessions designed to teach Christian Marriage Principles
Built in time for husband/wife interaction during sessions
Authentic Teachers with a Deep Passion for Marriage
Marriage Retreats are opportunities for couples to step away from the busyness of life and reconnect while learning marital principles, enjoying one another, and socializing with other married couples. Two types of marriage retreats are available: the Mini-Marriage Retreat (typically a Friday night until Saturday evening) or a Full Marriage Retreat (Friday evening to Sunday afternoon). Some organizations have the retreat at their church, while others will utilize hotels so couples truly can get away to focus on their marriage. If interested, please fill out an inquiry form below and email the completed form to
The Mini-Marriage Retreat includes three sessions and is $1500, along with traveling expenses and per diem. Below is a sample schedule. Mike and Gabi will help groups select topics that flow well together to create a themed retreat format.
The Full Marriage Retreat includes six sessions and is $2800, along with traveling expenses and per diem. Below is a sample schedule. Mike and Gabi will help groups select topics that flow well together to create a themed retreat format. There is also an opportunity for a breakout session with husbands and wives on Saturday afternoon if the “Naked and Unashamed” session is chosen. Often, churches will pick a session on Sunday that can include communion or a recommitment of marital vows.