The Marriage Design
Premarital Class
Certified by Twogether in Texas
Content created by Instructors to provide solid Christian Premartial Counseling
SYMBIS Certified Instructors
Are you considering engagement or have recently become engaged? According to research by the Oklahoma Healthy Marriage Initiative, it shows that “couples are 31% less likely to get divorced if they have premarital training.” David and Amy Olson’s book Empowering Couples: Building on our Strengths states that “80% of couples that participate in premarital training show higher marital satisfaction.” These statistics demonstrate the importance of good premarital training.
Out of all the preparation you do for your wedding, premarital counseling will have the most significant long-term impact on your relationship.
Mike & Gabi Keenum have been teaching an seven week premarital class to couples in a small group setting for over eighteen years. They have compiled a Christ centered curriculum called “The Marriage Design” that has been certified by Twogether in Texas. Twogether in Texas certification allows couples to have the $60 state portion of the marriage license fee waived after successful completion of the class.
Our class covers topics such as: communication, differences between men and women, conflict, finances, in-laws, parenting, careers, sex, Love and Respect, as well as God’s design for marriage. You are able to take the SYMBIS (Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts) Marital Assessment before the class begins and then as each topic is taught and explored, your corresponding SYMBIS pages will be returned and explained so each couple can immediately see how these principles will apply to their relationship.
During the class we teach, laugh and have practical application moments that are designed to do “in-class homework” to best understand what is being taught. Our teaching style is open, honest, and straight- forward, creating a comfortable environment where couples are able to prepare for a Christ-centered marriage.
There are currently two seven week sessions offered each year, one in the spring and one in the fall. Classes are held at First Baptist Church on week day evenings from 6-8 pm for seven consecutive weeks. If there is enough interest generated (5 couples minimum) for a summer class, one will be created. Click on the link below and find The Marriage Design to see the dates of the upcoming classes and to preregister. Classes are $250 per couple which includes all testing fees, class materials, and fourteen hours of premarital teaching.