The Marriage Design



Engaging Sessions designed to teach Christian Marriage Principles


Built in time for husband/wife interaction during sessions


Authentic Teachers with a Deep Passion for Marriage

  • Romance & Adventure – This session helps couples explore the importance of romance and adventure in marriage and the strength of each.
  • Happiness in Marriage – Is marriage supposed to make us happy or holy? In this session we explore where true happiness originates and God’s desire for us to grow in holiness.
  • Communication & Conflict – Couples know that this is a key ingredient in marriage, but most have difficulty with both communicating well and fighting productively. Both are present in marriage, and both are essential. This session will teach healthy communication patterns as well as understanding the right way to fight.
  • Naked & Unashamed – This session explores God’s design in the sexual relationship of a married couple. The session will begin together as a large group and then split into separate sessions for husbands and wives addressing issues specific to each group. Couples will leave with a renewed understanding of God’s design for sex as well as a new passion for this area of their marriage.
  • Sacred Marriage – This session focuses on God’s design and roles in marriage. It explores the greater calling we have as married couples and encourages a deeper understanding and purpose of the marriage relationship from a spiritual perspective.
  • Love & Respect – Ephesians 5:33 is the foundation for this session. This session explores why both husbands and wives need love and respect in the marital relationship by providing practical tools to live out God’s commission to married couples.
  • Differences between Men & Women – Understanding how God created your spouse is essential to living as one. This session brings up the differences between men and women and encourages seeing our spouse through God’s design.
  • Stress and Marriage – Stress is present in every marriage. The degree and levels of it can impact couples’ marriages and families. This session is designed to understand the symptoms of stress and practical solutions for dealing with the impact on the marital relationship.
  • 86,400 Seconds – This session focuses on the busyness of life and how that impacts marriage. We explore the different time styles of each spouse, beginning to understand our differences in this area. Helpful suggestions are given so that couples can live in the moment and in the abundant life Christ has given them.
  • Blessed Marriage – By exploring the Sermon on the Mount, couples will discover how Christ’s teaching firmly establishes the principle that “my marriage has more to do with my relationship with God than it does with my spouse.” This awareness allows couples to recognize and understand that grounding oneself in relationship with God allows us to have a blessed relationship with our spouse.
  • Boundaries in Marriage – Boundaries define where I end and where you begin. Often in marriage, couples struggle to understand and set healthy boundaries with one another and others in their lives. This session helps couples understand how boundaries create healthy relationships, while giving others correct accessibility to our emotions and space.
  • Holding Hope – Be assured, God is with you in whatever you face, in the turmoil and struggles, amidst the anxious thoughts and the worries of life. He gives us the power to live courageously when many things that surround us would tell us to be afraid. So, how do we hold onto hope as a married couple? This session provides help for Christian couples to explore “Why do we need hope?” or “What are we hoping for?” as we seek to follow and faithfully serve God.
  • Marriage Reset – The book of Ezra provides an account of the Jews’ regathering, of their struggle to survive and to rebuild what had been destroyed. Through his narrative, Ezra declared that they were still God’s people and that God had not forgotten them. We can equate the restoration of the temple with restoring or rebuilding, reinforcing our marriages by taking practical steps (balancing our time, priorities, etc.) with the spiritual reformation needed in marriage by focusing on the spiritual aspect as well.
  • Seasons of Marriage – We are ever changing in our marital relationship. We move from one feeling to another; from one challenge to another; from one joy to another. Cycles repeat as our years go by, like the seasons that God created that we go through year after year. These seasons in our marriage hold the potential for emotional health as well as potential challenges.
  • Quit, Survive, or Thrive – In marriage, we fall into roles and responsibilities quickly. As severe stress hits, it throws everything out of whack. This requires a couple to figure out a new normal. The challenge is in not knowing the outcome. But you can choose to grow together in Christ amid the stress and pain.
  • Power of Prayer in Marriage – Dr. Keenum’s groundbreaking research on marital prayer is explored and the amazing benefits in has upon marriage are shared. Couples have the opportunity to understand their strengths and shortcomings regarding prayer as well as learning how to build a foundation of prayer in their marriage for years to come.